Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Template Method Pattern

The template method pattern is a behavioral class pattern. A behavioral class pattern uses inheritance for distribution of behavior. In the template method pattern, a method (the 'template method') defines the steps of an algorithm. The implementation of these steps (ie, methods) can be deferred to subclasses. Thus, a particular algorithm is defined in the template method, but the exact steps of this algorithm can be defined in subclasses. The template method is implemented in an abstract class. The steps (methods) of the algorithm are declared in the abstract class, and the methods whose implementations are to be delegated to subclasses are declared abstract.
Here is an example of the template method pattern. Meal is an abstract class with a template method called doMeal() that defines the steps involved in a meal. We declare the method as final so that it can't be overridden. The algorithm defined by doMeal() consists of four steps: prepareIngredients(), cook(), eat(), and cleanUp(). The eat() method is implemented although subclasses can override the implementation. The prepareIngredients(), cook(), and cleanUp() methods are are declared abstract so that subclasses need to implement them.


package com.cakes;

public abstract class Meal {

 // template method
 public final void doMeal() {

 public abstract void prepareIngredients();

 public abstract void cook();

 public void eat() {
  System.out.println("Mmm, that's good");

 public abstract void cleanUp();

The HamburgerMeal class extends Meal and implements Meal's three abstract methods.


package com.cakes;

public class HamburgerMeal extends Meal {

 public void prepareIngredients() {
  System.out.println("Getting burgers, buns, and french fries");

 public void cook() {
  System.out.println("Cooking burgers on grill and fries in oven");

 public void cleanUp() {
  System.out.println("Throwing away paper plates");

The TacoMeal class implements Meal's three abstract methods and also overrides the eat() method.


package com.cakes;

public class TacoMeal extends Meal {

 public void prepareIngredients() {
  System.out.println("Getting ground beef and shells");

 public void cook() {
  System.out.println("Cooking ground beef in pan");

 public void eat() {
  System.out.println("The tacos are tasty");

 public void cleanUp() {
  System.out.println("Doing the dishes");

The Demo class creates a HamburgerMeal object and calls its doMeal() method. It creates a TacoMeal object and calls doMeal() on the TacoMeal object.


package com.cakes;

public class Demo {

 public static void main(String[] args) {

  Meal meal1 = new HamburgerMeal();


  Meal meal2 = new TacoMeal();


The console output of the execution of Demo is shown here.

Console Output

Getting burgers, buns, and french fries
Cooking burgers on grill and fries in oven
Mmm, that's good
Throwing away paper plates

Getting ground beef and shells
Cooking ground beef in pan
The tacos are tasty
Doing the dishes
As you can see, the template method design pattern allows us to define the steps in an algorithm and pass the implementation of these steps to subclasses.

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